More Info
Hematite is an iron oxide, a rock-forming mineral abundantly found on Earth’s surface and in the shallow crust. It is found in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks all around the world. It’s the most important ore of iron.
Ancient Egyptians used Hematite as ornamental objects placed inside their tombs. Warriors in Roman times used Hematite as protection during battle. Hematite was also a Native American remedy for dental problems, pimples, canker sores, and alcohol abuse.
China, Morocco, and Brazil
Physical Properties
The color of hematite varies from black to steel-gray to silver, and from red to reddish brown to black. It scores 5 to 6.5 on the Mohs hardness scale, with metallic, submetallic or earthy luster and opaque diaphaneity.
Hematite is not magnetic per se, although specimens often contain magnetite which makes it hard to identify correctly. The defining characteristic of hematite that makes identification easier is its red streak.
If it’s there, and the specimen still has magnetic properties, it’s likely a combination of magnetite and hematite.
Metaphysical Properties
Hematite inspires inner life and helps to keep inward peace. Hematite has a reputation for helping people bring order to mentally chaotic situations by drawing tension out of the body, neutralizing negativity and releasing anger.
It is used in the Centre area for balancing and grounding, in the Southeast for self worth, and in the Northeast area for self-cultivation.
Egyptians used hematite to calm hysteria and anxiety and was used for amulets. Roman soldiers wore it for protection. The Chinese see hematite as being more Yang in nature. Native Americans used red ochre for ceremonies and for war paint.
It is an excellent aid in meditation, recognized by healers for calming the mental state, tuning the consciousness. It is associated with the base, heart, link, sacral, and solar plexus chakras.
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