To burn natural resins you need an incense burner, a quick-light charcoal tab, a pair of tongs, and a lighter or a match.
Step 1: Start by inserting a charcoal tab into the incense burner. Place a flame next to the charcoal tab. Step 2: When the sparks have traveled through the charcoal tab, the tab is fully lit. Step 3: When the charcoal is fully lit, grey-ashy soot will form on top of the red-hot, burning tab. Step 4: The charcoal tab is now ready for use. Using a tiny spoon, spread the natural resins on top of the charcoal tab and enjoy the distinctive smell generated by the natural resins.
To burn natural resins you need an incense burner, a quick-light charcoal tab, a pair of tongs, and a lighter or a match.
Step 1: Start by inserting a charcoal tab into the incense burner. Place a flame next to the charcoal tab. Step 2: When the sparks have traveled through the charcoal tab, the tab is fully lit. Step 3: When the charcoal is fully lit, grey-ashy soot will form on top of the red-hot, burning tab. Step 4: The charcoal tab is now ready for use. Using a tiny spoon, spread the natural resins on top of the charcoal tab and enjoy the distinctive smell generated by the natural resins.

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